Thursday, June 14, 2007
Music Week at the Amateur Gourmet
It's music week this week over at the Amateur Gourmet, and Adam has put up a number of wonderful songs so far, including a diatribe on the disaster smelly post falafel breath, an homage to delicious lasagna, and an amazing song about the wonders of malted milk ice cream.

Check out the amateur gourmet all this week for more fun filled food songs, and enjoy all the other wonders he has to offer.


Thursday, June 07, 2007
Today's idea
Looking at the new facebook API, I feel like it should be necessary to develop a rock, paper, scissor module that can be used there. Of course, I'm sure someone will develop it soon enough, but it's something to look into if no one else has done it. I think it would be fun to get back into the programming side of things if the mood strikes me.


Sunday, June 03, 2007
New Server Live!
Smallwalls is now active again on a happy new server. Any issues or questions just comment or write.


Saturday, June 02, 2007
Changing hosts
Smallwalls may be down at some point over the next few days as I change hosts and get things set up again. Just letting all you loyal readers know :)


A rant is now live. Go look and see what it can do for you!


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