Another fun filled weekend is almost over. Friday started off with coffee catchup at ISS. Although our numbers were few this month, we still managed to have a good few hours talking and eating tim tams. After we parted ways for dinner, a group of us reformed at the physics theatre to watch this years Medrevue, entitled Mary's Poppin. It is a wonderful combination of skits, and visual and audio presentations with a smattering of neofuturism thrown in for good measure. This year's top number for me was a delightful parody of "Build Me Up Buttercup" aptly called "Always Fail, CityRail". If you've ever had to experience Sydney trains, you'd know why it rang so true.
Saturday was spent studying throughout the day, after which 8 of us headed to Govindas, a Hare Krishna run indian vegetarian buffet / movie house where we ate to bursting and then headed upstairs to watch Sideways. Enjoyable in some ways, and frustrating in others, I still had a good time watching it. Afterwards most of us headed down to Bondi where we crashed a party for one of the international students and danced and talked till late. Then we piled into Sam's car and came home for a good night sleep.
7:41 AM