Saturday, June 29, 2002
Well, for the last time I am sleeping in 2006/8 Sherman (at least for 6 weeks or so). Tomorrow is the official move in day for 720 Simpson (Evanston IL 60201 Apt 1S for those who are interested in writing). Once I'm all settled and the computer and internet are all set up I will definitely be back on here more regularly. And without a job for the next 4 weeks, I will have plenty of time to be writing.


Wednesday, June 26, 2002
Moving. Its become my life for the past 2 weeks. Every day I've been helping people move into and out of apartments and dorms. The first round is almost done at least, I move into my new place for the summer by tomorrow probably. Then its into my new place a 6-8 weeks later, and time for a new school year.


Tuesday, June 25, 2002
Im going to be a godfather. My aunt just asked me to be the godfather of the baby she is adopting. They are getting her next week, and I'm so excited for them!


Friday, June 21, 2002
So the US is out of the World Cup, after a well played match against Germany, and a controversial call over an almost goal which hit the hand of a german player after it had already passed the goalie. Oh well, they played a good game, and at least they got this far. USA in 06!


Monday, June 17, 2002
"I am a fucking mushroom" ~Me to Jen, upon passing a whole bunch of mushrooms at around 4am after watching Senegal beat Sweden 2-1 in overtime. And for those of you watching at home, the USA jsut took out Mexico 2-0. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!


Friday, June 14, 2002
"Whoa! I almost didn't see that guy." ~John on the guy dressed in full cameos.


"Son of a bitch superglue, you’re not very super. Im tempted to believe you’re not even glue." ~Brian on, well, superglue


5am and the paper is almost done. We just cooked our last meal at the apartment. It's going to be so weird to not see everyone for 3 months. It will definitely be a summer that I don't want to end, but also will want to as well. Is it just me being nostalgic for all of my last days here when I stay up all night and watch the sunrise? Maybe, but then again, it might just be the sleep talking.
"Coherent? I think not!" ~Me


Thursday, June 13, 2002
2 down, 2 tests and a paper to go. Almost there. In the words of Brian "Saturday will come"


Monday, June 10, 2002
I know this is definitely a 'had to be there' type of story, but it was so funny for those of us that were that I couldn't resist. Brian was sitting on the futon playing with the Gold Bond powder bottle he has, making tiny little puffs of powder fly out. Then, all of the sudden, a huge cascade of powder erupts from the top of the bottle, and covers him, the table and the couch. John, Eric and I are sitting there hysterically laughing, while Brian starts to clean himself up. Then, while demonstrating what happened, he accidentally ended up doing it again, coating his pants. It was just such a funny thing to see the fountain of powder come out of the bottle, and the expression on his face as it happened.


"Brad Friedel es 'el man'" ~The announcer on univision after the American goalie made several amazing saves. The US went on to tie Korea 1-1 in their second match, after beating Portugal 3-2 in their opener.


Sunday, June 09, 2002
Today was a really fun day, I got some stuff done, and had a good time. I finished developing my pictures for my photography final project and will be matting them tomorrow. This afternoon I went to Target and bought plastic boxes to put clothes in, and other items that I probably won't be needing over the summer. Then I went to the beach, and played soccer and had a picnic on the sand, and it was relaxing and peaceful and stress free. Following that we went to the Bahai Temple and walked through the gardens, and watched an interesting movie about the history of Bahai, and its teachings. After that I came home, packed some, and watched hockey, where Carolina lost to Detroit in triple overtime in the 2nd or 3rd longest stanley cup finals game in history. When it was finally done at 1:00 I was going to get working, but ended up getting side tracked, and didn't get much farther than printing out pages to study from. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to make it all the way through working hard. Now it is time for bed.


Saturday, June 08, 2002
"You smell like spiced meat" ~Jen, in another one of her insightful comments


Wednesday, June 05, 2002
Finally made a decision what I am going to do for my photography final project. Now I just hope I can print everything tomorrow and matte it all on Friday and Saturday so I have some time to study for the rest of my exams.


From the Port Huron Times Herald comes this interesting tidbit from the story Gambling with the Michigan Lottery:
Your chance of suffocating because all the oxygen molecules randomly migrate to the other side of the room: one in 2 to the 1024 power, as calculated by the father of reporter Bill Chapin


Tuesday, June 04, 2002
Misunderstanding of the day:
Eric: "Can we get forks and napkins please"
Waiter (returns several minutes later): "I think there are close to fourteen napkins there"
He eventually returned halfway through our meal with five forks for the four of us


"That pi looks like an elephant" ~Alex, commenting on his beautifully rendered greek elephant?


Monday, June 03, 2002
Today was watermelon bust. For those who don't know, this means that I was involved in a watermelon over under, a watermelon wheelbarrel contest, a watermelon eating contest, throwing watermelon chunks into someones mouth, catching spit chunks of watermelon in a bowl on my head, and a tug of war over a watermelon pool. For something that I was unsure if I really wanted to do it, like most things of that sort, I ended up having a great time. My team consisted of me, Kristin, Jared, and Ankur, and we won first place after winning four of the six events, winning 2 gift certificates for 2 meals each at a local restaurant. In addition, I got into a great watermelon fight with Rebecca, which culminated in a watermelon wrestling match inside the pool of watermelon guts. Needless to say, my white shirt was pink by the end of the day.


Saturday, June 01, 2002
The newest fad- multistoried uneven bars. Similar to the indoor rock climbing facilities that have sprouted up in many areas comes this, a series of 20 or so uneven bars, where each is 5 feet high than the one before, giving it a staircase look. After the last one is a landing, which opens up onto a floor where they have a food court, video game lounge, etc. The idea: for 20 dollars, people can try and swing their way up to the top floor. Anyone successfully doing so gets a DVD (I have no idea how that got into the story). I go for it, and do it, pick some lousy DVD and walk over to the game room where there are quarters in the change slots of every machine except for one. And thats it- my pick for the next big craze.


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