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Thursday, November 29, 2001
"It might look like I'm doing nothing, but at the cellular level I'm really quite busy." I read this today, and it was just too great not to put it up. 0 comments Wednesday, November 28, 2001
Does everyone from out of state smile to themselves when they see a liscense plate from their home state. I don't know why, but every time I see a New Jersey plate I can't help but smile, like "there's someone out there from where I am." I know New Jersey isn't so far away, but it's always nice to know someone else out there is from home. 0 comments Thanksgiving dinner I was putting out cheese and crackers when I saw this on the packaging of one of those fancy cheeses: "Cold pack cheese food with Almonds, Garlic and Herbs" Doesn't that just sound so appealing to everyone. 0 comments Monday, November 26, 2001
Brian: "What are you carrying?" Nish: "A tire." Brian: "Why are holding a bunch of clothes?" Yea, it was funnier in person when Nish looked at him like he was from another planet. 0 comments Wednesday, November 21, 2001
Leaving for Thanksgiving in 5 minutes... "The cars stranded in the street looked like a fundamentalist Christian painting of the apocolypse" ~Some woman on the weather channel about North Carolina in March 1995 Megs Dads Phone number 1 215 321 5566 0 comments Tuesday, November 20, 2001
24 hours from now I will be landing in NJ. Thanksgiving is almost here, and I think I have more work due in the 2 weeks after thanksgiving than I did all quarter prior. At least Orgo is over till the final, and one of the papers for Bioprocess Engineering is finished. Not much else to report really. Too much work to do to have time for anything else. Winter break can't come soon enough. 0 comments Monday, November 19, 2001
"Tell them you were tied up... literally" ~Mo and I, simultaneously, right down to the length of the pause. 0 comments Friday, November 16, 2001
The sound of rollerblades on a bumpy street: "Whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp " ~Brian, accompanied by a series of bumping up and down motions 0 comments Thursday, November 15, 2001
Another weird thing that happened earlier (I guess its technically yesterday now). Pi and I were walking home from Models in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology when we heard a plane flying overhead. Pi ws telling me about the red white and blue lights and how they got like that now when all of the sudden it seemed like a spotlight was coming from the plane directly onto the apartment building next to where we were walking. It looked oddly like a search light or else, taken to the extreme it was an alien tractor beam. But regardless, it was quite strange and spooked us a bit. 0 comments Wednesday, November 14, 2001
"That's Amazing!" ~the cutest kid at the science fair I judged earlier this evening when his volcano started erupting before he had put all the ingredients in. His facial reaction needs to be described as well. It was one of complete shock, and a kind of reverent awe at the power of the volcano which he had created. Definately the highlight of the evening, although the homemade icecream wasn't bad either, and the mice were cute too. 0 comments Tuesday, November 13, 2001
"I think I'm going to sleep tonight" "What, you don't sleep every night?" Emily, and then my response walking home from our last orgo lab together 0 comments "I'll have plenty of time to cut paper... on the el"~Meg, who doesn't think this deserves to be a quote of the day. 0 comments Monday, November 12, 2001
A crazy week upcoming and one sad Monday to start it off. A plane crashed in NYC. My heart goes out to all those who lost their lives in the latest tradgedy to befall New York. After hearing the news it was hard to study for my Orgo quiz, so I probably didn't do as well as I could have. After that I came back, picked up pictures which was the first bright point of my day since they happen to be really good. Soon its off to Models, and then I get to spend tonight writing a prelab, doing a reflections assignment, and working on a take home midterm which will most likely take me 10 hours plus to complete (due Friday). I also have to register which I never finished doing this morning, get a form signed by my old advisor because the McCormick office lost my original form, do a lot more webpage deisgn, cook dinner, clean my apartment and I'm sure 16 other things that I haven't mentioned. I can't wait till next week when (in the three days I am here) I have a midterm, 2 problem sets, a lab and probably a few smaller things as well. Luckily the weekend is only 4 days away. 0 comments Saturday, November 10, 2001
The newest cheer for our football team: "Get the ref a wife Get the ref a wife Ger the ref a wife So he won't screw us" ~One of the many cheers heard at today's football game, in which we lost, by a lot. 0 comments Friday, November 09, 2001
"You're the only person I know who has been scared by a hand towel" "It was a big hand towel!" My reaction and Megs subsequent comment when she screamed after seeing a hand towel laying on the floor. 0 comments Thursday, November 08, 2001
"I didn't hear what you said, but I'm assuming it was somethign nice" ~Me to my brother when the cell phone he was on was breaking up. 0 comments Tuesday, November 06, 2001
Look out your windows. Is the sky glowing in different shades of red, blue, green or other flourescent colors? It's the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights. They have been visible all over the US Since Monday night and you can see great pictures here. 0 comments Anyone else remember two years ago when somone mocked our online registration named CAESAR by making a sight BRUTUS (the location of which I have no idea anymore. Well, this weekend BRUTUS was born again, this time as an "unofficial" way to search for classes based on modifiers such as days of the week, and schedule time. Then today it is taken down, and we are told that it is unofficial and has not been approved by the university. It's almost as if they don't want to make searching for classes easy for us. Not that it really matters to me since my schedule is pretty much set, but still, it would be nice. 0 comments Someone who wants to get me a gift could look at this TMBG uncut sheet. I know it is expensive, (or will be by the time it is over) but I'm sure I would love it framed on my wall. 0 comments Quick recap of the past 4 day: Saturday- Hung out with Meg. Re-read Harry Potter for the umpteenth time since i was bored. Saw Riding in Cars With Boys which was really nice, even though it was quite different from what I expected. Went to Kaffien. Slept Sunday- Went downtown to Leanna's and went to the nature museum ate at a thai restaurant, played taboo and uno and got home seconds after the yanks lost (see previous post). There qere a number of memorable quotes including: "You don't think about hampsters having testicles" ~Jen "How big are they?" Chris- asking the waiter about the size of the eggrolls (what did you think I was talking about?) And of course the waiters response- Drawing a picture of a roll on his notepad and saying "They are like this, only bigger" Monday- Classes. Dinner. Homework. Today- Classes. Food shopping. Homework. Maybe tomorrow will bring something new like laundry into my schedule. 0 comments Where do the days go between posts. It seems like just yestarday that I was merrily typing of the Yankees 3rd victory, and now, just a few scant days later, my team has fallen. Ok, maybe not fallen, but they didn't win, how sad. 0 comments Friday, November 02, 2001
Well, the Yankees did it again. Another bottom of the ninth 2 out homerun to tie it. All I can say is wow. Now all thats left is to win one of two in Arizona and the Yanks win the World Series again. 0 comments |
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