After 18 months...
For the first time in a year and a half I have a new flatmate. Her name is
Ching, and she's a wonderful person. For me though, it is quite sad that I no longer have a Lisa around. After a year and a half the two of us had grown quite close, and it's sad to now think what life will be like without her. It just won't be the same without her around to joke with, to throw things at, and generally to harass like a sibling. To quote Ching "there's so much that can be said about Lisa. I cant write it all down, it's just the way she is."
Lisa is just a wonderful person, and she will be missed greatly. Luckily she'll be the closest of anyone from here to me once back in the states, but a 2 hour flight is still too far away for such a great girl.
6:19 PM