Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Integrins and smooth muscle cells
The first week of classes is moving along. Already its Wednesday and half of week 1 is over. This semester will be a relatively light class load, balanced by my 12 unit project, details of which will porbably be revealed as I determine what exactly I will be doing it on. The title of the post is a basic starting point, and once I decide the areas that interest me the most I'll be heading in that direction. Yes, that's incredibly vague, I realize that. Hopefully it will make more sense when I describe it in a week or 2.

The 2 classes I'm taking are Electromedical Standards and Advanced Topics in Polymer Technology, which meet from 3-6 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays respectively. The rest of the week will be a mix of lab time, homework, reading journal articles, and of course a healthy dose of fun whenever possible.

In apartment related news, everything is here now save our couch/chair set which is coming on Sunday courtesy of Andrew 1's mom who was going to be getting rid of it. My room is feeling exactly how I want it, and my slightly obsessive neatness/organization is showing again. The first couple weeks here saw me slightly messier than normal, a problem (to me at least) since rectified.

Now all that's left is to catch up on all the laundry that didn't get done cause we lacked a washer (which I picked up on Sunday). That will take a few days since its a small washer and everything is dried outside (and limited by our clothes rack space). I think it's time to put up some pictures on my window now and then spend a little time reading Hillary Clinton's Living History. I'll try to keep up on this more and give a few more details as to what's going on. Between moving and everything else I just haven't been keeping up. Seems like lots of people are forgetting about blogs/journals/whatever recently.


Keep on writing............I'll keep on reading. Love to hear all your news, what you are up to and what you are doing. I live for this stuff................!
PS.............what the heck are integrins?
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