Monday, May 10, 2004
Sea collections
This post was supposed to be written about 3 hours ago, but I got here and found all the new things to play with instead. I was going to write about the wonders of our toilet paper here, and the joy of reaching in to the plastic bag that that rolls come in and pulling out a roll with a random sea based print on it. It could be seashells or dolphins, turtles or sharks.
Reflecting back, it might have been better if I skipped mention of it altogether.

On another note, this is my 500th post. I only know that because blogger now lets you see all sorts of statistics for your blog. I'm glad they didn't implement it 2 days later, cause then I would have missed this important milestone.


Not anonymous but Dad. Congratulations on this very special event - your 500th post. Most Blogs fail before even reaching 100 so this is quite an accomplishment. Leno has achieved 500 and now Lange. Wow!!!!!
Oh, come on. I've probably reached a thousand!

Actually Dan, you are at 418 up to and including "No More". (And no I didn't actually count by hand, but you can if you want to verify that I'm right)
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