Monday, May 03, 2004
Korean BBQ
Last night was my first experience with a Korean BBQ, thanks to Kevin and Joe. It basically consisted of rice, pork, kim chi (a korean cabbage), and chili paste wrapped in one of several different kinds of lettuce. The interesting part was that the pork was thinly sliced, similar to bacon, and was cooked continuously over the 2 hour dinner on a little grill that went on the table. The basic idea was to take a piece of lettuce, add some rice onto it, then put a slice of the hot pork, along with the cabbage and a bit of the chili paste. And it was outdoors, which would have been really nice except for the fact that the temperature got down to almost 10 (C) which is quite cold when you don't have a jacket on. But the food was wonderful and we all just kept eating until we'd had way too much, because you could always convince yourself to have just one more since they were so small on their own. After eating and cleaning up we all went to Kevin's room to try out the continental cheesecake he had bought earlier in the day. It was drizzled with a rasberry gel and looked really good. When we tried it though, we found it to be the sweetest cheesecake ever made- and pink on the inside. It just didn't hold up to a good new york cheesecake, but we amused ourselves by eating pieces to leave the remaining piece in odd shapes, including an arrow, a mushroom and the number one. We also had chocolate covered pecans made by some bald guy (his picture was on the business card that Joe for with them). Then it was a mint slice from Peter and then off home to get ready for another week of school.


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