Monday, February 23, 2004
A place to live
Haven't had internet access all weekend since I don't have a place of my own yet and the center where I've been using it is closed on the weekends. But I'm here and still trying to find a place- hopefully today will be the day that I do. I may end up living with 2 other Grad students, Ryan and Lisa, who are both from Florida (but didn't know each other before hand). We spent all day yesterday looking at a half dozen places all around, and probably went to a dozen realty offices to see what they had. Today will be more of the same, but it's also O-week here. (Read: orientation week) for the new students, so there are all sorts of campus activities going on and free stuff to be had and everything you expect for an orientation to college (uni) life. Once things have settled down and we have a place to live I think it will be a lot less stressful. I just hope it's today so I can take advantage of the events going on and not feel like I should be spending time looking for housing. We're off now- with our faithful (and extremely helpful) driver, Sam, one of the guys who is working in the ISS office. He's been nice enough to take us around and drive us where we need to go for today (Tuesday) and yesterday. Adrian, my ISS mentor, also deserves a mention as he has been letting me stay at his place for the past 2 days since I couldn't stay in my temporary accommodation since new students were moving in to it.


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