Wednesday, August 27, 2003
I hate being sick. Stuffy nose that prevents breathing at night, a cough that interrupts at all the worst times, a sore throat to top it off, and lots of pills, syrups, and time release capsules to try and make it all better. This has been my last couple of days. It's my fault for hanging out with a bunch of sick people, but honestly, I couldn't think of a better way to spend my last few days. Even though the result was illness, I couldn't be happier at getting to see everyone for a few more days. And now its time to try and catch up on the sleep that has been eluding me due to that cough that wakes me up every morning around 3:30.


Monday, August 25, 2003
Im now posting from Tasha's cousin's computer. Another wonderful day in New York, but it's now time to say goodbye to all my wonderful friends from England. Sad, but I will hopefully be seeing them in December sometime.


Sunday, August 24, 2003
I should be on a normal posting schedule again now that internet access is not a once a week activity. Im planningon going back into the city again today to have one more chance to see all my wonderful friends from England. I'll probably be there tonight again, and say goodbye tomorrow before they all head out to their respective destinations, all of which eventually lead to flying back over the Atlantic. I will then be forced to look at my life and get moving in a direction that at least makes it seem like im progressing with life.


Saturday, August 23, 2003
Im back home in New Jersey again, and now officially unemployed. This summer was great and I had a wonderful time at camp once again. Camp ended on Wednesday, and that evening I traveled into New York to meet up with Anna, John, Justin, Philippa and Tasha. We went to Hooters for some wonderful wings and quesadillas, and afterwards I went to Meg's new place up on 207th right at the end of the A train. I spent the night there and met everyone at Tasha's cousins apartment the next morning. We grabbed a bite to eat from a deli and had lunch in central park before proceeding down into the village where the "highlight" was Tasha and Philippa's red and purple hair coloring respectively. From the village we went up to times square and played tourist for a while after which we walked over to Rockefeller Center where Meg met up with us all. Meg and I hung out there while the rest went back and showered. When they returned we dined at Friday's for an altogether too expensive dinner. Then I went back with Meg again to her place while the rest went to go watch Shrek. Friday morning I once again met everyone, but only briefly, as I decided to go home in the early afternoon. I said my goodbye to John who is leaving on Sunday, and headed over to Lincoln Center to give Meg her keys which I had used to lock up her apartment upon leaving that morning. I then went over to Penn, grabbed a slice of pizza and caught the 1:38 train back to Westfield.


Thursday, August 14, 2003
Just a quick note during Olympics here at camp. Im on England, fighting the evil forces of Spain in an eternal struggle for victory. Last night was opening ceremonies and the rope burn which I participated in. Thus, my day yestarday consisted of trecking through the woods surrounding camp and collecting large branches and kindling and stripping birch bark. Then we spent the afternoon building our base for the fire which consisted of a furnace type structure. We also prepared our 2 larger teepees to go up once the competition began. I was on the fourth shift for the competition (each shift is 5 minutes long) and by that point our fire was starting to burn nicely and with our shift the rope caught on fire and started to go. One minute after our shift ended our rope snapped and fell, giving England the first 10 gold medals of the Olympics. Now its 3 more days of fun competition and Danny leaving tomorrow and camp ending soon thereafter. Updates will be more frequent once Im home and full life plans to be discussed here shortly.


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