Sunday, December 07, 2003
Goodbye Brighton, Hello Bournemouth
Left Brighton this afternoon after a wonderful 5 days with Tash and her family. Anna and Phillipa left in the morning at 8 o' clock so Phil could get back to London to teach little kids to scuba dive, and Anna had to get ready for another performance, so her stay in Birghton was short lived but it was a wonderful 8 hours. When the rest of us got up at a more proper hour we made a breakfast of sausages (beef), chicken goujons, hash browns, and spagetti and beans (yeah, weird I know but it was quite good). Then we headed up to Devils Dyke where we had a bit of a walk to the top of a hill somewhat close to where we parked the car, although it did involve us breaking into a cow pasture via a stile and skirting around what was obviously their watering hole till we could make out ascent. The 1000 foot or so climb was well worth the effort though as we were afforded a breathtaking view of brighton and hove on one side, a small village nestled in the valleys right in front of us and a wide expanse of greenery on our other side. We headed back to the car after taking a couple photos that definitely didn't capture the everpresent chill in the air and headed over to the train station where we found that the train Justin and I had been planning on taking to Bournemouth had been cancelled, so we waited an extra half hour to get one that would get us here eventually. The trains were quite nice with tables between ever 2 sets of seats making conversation much easier and giving plenty of room for leftover birthday cake to be consumed and crossword puzzles to be done. We switched trains at Southhampton Central station, made it to Bournemouth and walked to Justin's house. Had a quick dinner of KFC picked up by one of his mates, and watched Pay it Forward, afterwhich I got to see Sir Patrick Moore's program on comets. He has the distinction of hosting "The Sky at Nights", the longest running BBC TV show out there. Then we got ready for bed, engaged in an interesting discussion of differences between the British and American education systems, crime policies, and ages of consent. And now it's time to catch up on my sleep.


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