Wednesday, November 05, 2003
Garage Sale
Aren't these posts with catchy titles that can mean so many things on so many levels great? On the one hand I could go on about how we are actually having a garage sale this coming weekend, but on the more interesting to know personal details about my life side, I could go on about how sometimes things in ones past must just be laid to rest and we must move on. For example, my mom- sometimes I'd like to just lay her to rest. Ok, bad example as she'll probably be reading this post at some point. Seriously though, we all accumulate lots of junk throughout our lives- things we wish we had done and things we wish we hadn't- but at some point we just have to move on and look to the future.
Ok at some point my train of thought go thrown completely off course and the whole garage sale as a metaphor for life just stopped working. The gist of what i was trying to say is that you don't need to live in the past, be the same person you were or anything else if you don't want to, but at teh same time those experiences helped make you who you are today. You'll always have the memories of those times, even if they don't define who you are today. Like the junk you get rid of- if it was important enough to remember, you will, but who needs the piles of it all around you.
Jumble all that together and you might get something coherent. Maybe.


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