Thursday, September 25, 2003
Lindy Fidelma
Janice came up today to spend the day and dance and play. She came by my house at 10 or so and we proceeded over the Goethals into Staten Island where she laboriously tested mandolins at Mandolin Bros. to find one she liked. Her final choice was a Weber Y2K which she later named Lindy Fidelma. Before purchasing it however, we had to try out the local pub, and found that Duffy's hamburgers truely are amazing. After lunch and purchasing the mandolin we came back to Westfield, walked around in town for a while, and headed over to the farmers market where fresh fruits, veggies, and breads were in abundance. We bought a few things, and came back to my house dropping off our purchases and then heading down to Rutgers to hear the New Mexican Secretary of State, Rebecca Vigil-Giron. She spoke about women and Latinos in politics and a whole host of issues regarding voter empowerment. Following her talk and the ensuing Q and A session Janice and I came back to Westfield for a nice home cooked meal before she headed home to jam on her new mandolin with Dargan, Rich and a few others.


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