I travel a lot. Especially recently. I dont know quite how the days manage to fly by, but I guess when you spend a lot of your time busy doing a million things and not having access to a computer or the internet for most of that time makes you forget to tell everyone whats been going on. Hence, a lack of posts for the past several days. Not too much to report since my brithday other than a few wonderful dinners with family and friends with several celebrations to ensue in the following week or so. Today was spent in New York once again, this time mostly up in the Bronx at PS 138 where Meg and I spent countless hours (ok, it was 8) making her room presentable for the first day of school tomorrow. Good luck to her with those kindergarten and first graders! And then sadly I missed meeting up with Anna and a few others from
Kinder Ring at the Empire State Building. We were supposed to meet up at 7:15 but due to bus traffic in the Bronx I didn't get down there till 7:40 and couldn't find them, so I came home on the 8:14 train, running to catch it on track 18, which means little to most, but is extremely odd to those who frequent
New Jersey Transit.
11:46 PM