Saturday, September 28, 2002
First half week of school is over, and classes are going alright, even if they seem like they are going to be a lot of work. BME lab in particular is not something Im looking for ward to all the work in, evne though I know Im going to learn a ton and the prof is wonderful. Last night was my real first night out as a legal person. Went to 1800 club after hanging out at 720 Simpson for another Jen birthday celebration and then went over to a pwild party at 912 Hamlin for a little while. Now I actually might have to get some work done, seeing as I have a couple of problem sets due Monday, but it shouldn't be too bad this week at least.


Tuesday, September 24, 2002
"My moms 3 kinds of white" -Jen


"How come noone wants to talk to us? "
"We're the cops"
"oh fuck!"
-Two cops walking down the stairs last night at 720 Simpson while busting up a party


Friday, September 20, 2002
Room is finally starting to shape up- most of the boxes are away now and things should start going up on the walls later on. Things are starting to get done.


Saturday, September 14, 2002
Why do I stay up ridiculously late when I know I have to get up the next morning at ridiculously early?


Friday, September 06, 2002
Back home in Jersey for a week and a half to spend the holidays with family and such. Got in yestarday after a detoured plane flight that took us over Niagra Falls due to "military manuevers" over lower Michigan. Went out to dinner with my Dad, Mo and Danny, and celebrated my birthday for the second night in a row. Tonight was the 3rd birthday celebration with Moms side of the family and tomorrow will probably be the fourth when everyone on my Dads side will be around. No major plans for the week yet really, but it was wonderful to see my god-daughter Emily tonight. She is really adorable and I will try and find a pic to put up of us shortly. Only bad thing about being home is sharing a computer with my bro again, oh well I can deal for a bit.


"I came down for dessert and I got pants" ~Danny


Tuesday, September 03, 2002
Ive come to the conclusion that 15 hours of moving just isnt fun. However, the results are worth it as I am finally getting settled in my permanent home (at least for a year : ) ) My furniture is mostly set up, my bed is made, Im connected to the Internet and I have a phone (a new cell- I finally broke down and got one). Now its just a few days of unapcking stuff, birthday celebrations and repacking a smaller bag till Im back home in Jersey for a few days to spend the holidays with family before school starts back up here on the 25th. Im gonna miss two football games which isn't cool, but after our dissapointing loss in our first game I get the feeling that I won't be missing that much. Lots of random info, but everything here is pretty good, and Im sure I'll have lots more to say once school is in session again and I can no longer chill on the beach and stay up all hours talking to friends.


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