Thursday, February 28, 2002
I wonder what it means when you dream that the cold water handle ison the hot water side, and teh hot water handle is sitting on a shelf next to the sink...


Saw Robin Williams tonight, on the first stop in his North American tour. He was really wonderful, and I definitely can't repeat any of his jokes (because I just can't remember them well enough to type them out). More midterms the next few days- it just never seems to end. On a really happy note though, I got into photography which should be amazing next quarter. I'm really excited about that cause it has been a class I've wanted to take since I got here and there are only 12 spots per quarter. I luckily had the first registration time and at exactly 9 am I typed in the course number and hit add class. I got the "class successfully added" message and looked back at the class list and saw it was full already by 9:00:30, so I was one of three people who got in after registration opened (the other nine spots were preregistered by art majors). So yay!


Sunday, February 24, 2002
The following lines came from the improv game blind line, as performed at the 11pm showing of Mee-Ow on Sat, Feb. 23rd. The lines in quotes represent lines written by members of the audience and pulled out of the pocket of the performers at random points in the scene. These lines were written by John Maloney and Brian Cadena, the guys across the hall.

Silver Medal Winner: ... "being a male dance is hard... especially when you have to shave your huevos"
Gold Medal Winner: yea,I shave my huevos as much as the next guy

Silver Medal Winner: We'd like to thank "Jeff the god of biscuits" and Wong, our trainers


Friday, February 22, 2002
First of all, a big cheer to the USA curling team. Both the men and the women did exceptionally well, with the women coming in 4th. Not bad for a sport most Americans had never even heard of before. John and I decided that starting our own curling rink (rink is curlish for team) would be something that would be fun, so we need two more guys till we can play in our first bonspiel (game).


Monday, February 18, 2002
"The field has been narrowed to 10 athletes from 20 countries" ~The sportscaster on the Worlds Strongest Man competition


Sometimes days just end up so different than expected. Tonight was going to be my early to bed night, hopefully getting up early to maybe catch Meg online super early. Instead, its after 2 already, but I spent the evening bonding with the Malodenavencia gang, doing The Spark's tests, from purity to slut with everything in between, and also came to the realization that people here at NU are pretty amazing, and amazingly diversified in their knowldge base, as we spent at least 10 minutes discussing alternate reasons why the Pill is used, and pros and cons, etc. As I've said on occasions before, only at Northwestern. In addition, the phrase, "Kissing with intent" was defined as the lower limit on questions asking about "something sexual" but not giving a specific act.


Friday, February 15, 2002
Tamica: "Did you know that a mole can tunnel 300 feet in one night?"
Jen: "So... what is that in feet?"


Thursday, February 14, 2002
Apparently there is an 18 item psychological test which is used to assess ones belief in the paranormal called the "Australian Sheep-Goat Scale". I really wish I could find a copy of it, but I couldn't find it anywhere.


Monday, February 11, 2002
I feel like I am at one of those times when I need to redefine myself. I'm not sure what brings on these feelings that a change is necessary, but for whatever reason, they seem to happen to all of us. I don't exactly know what this will really mean for me, but I do know that it can only help make me a better person. It better, otherwise I should be getting some sleep since it is four in the morning.
To all who know me, don't worry, you are all still be a part of me and to those who don't, I'd like you to be.


Saturday, February 09, 2002

Friday, February 08, 2002
Today I saw something a little unusual. Someone dropped some money, and another person picked it up and returned it to them. Not so strange, but now the circumstnace. The dropper is a runner moving at a pretty respectable clip up Sheridan. The returner is a girl with a backback on who chases the runner for probably a minute before catching up and handing her the dollar bill that she dropped, gets an appreciative thanks, and turns around and walks back in the other direction. That was probably the longest I've seen a person go out of their way to do something like that, and certainly was the most active.
Hooray for the kindness of strangers!


Thursday, February 07, 2002
Think about the question "Who am I?" and how your response to this has changed over the years. When do we ever really know ourselves well enough to answer that question? More on this later, it is something I think I will flesh out soon.


Do I have some look about me that inherently suggests that I am in constant need of guidance from some supreme being? I don't think so either, but for the umpteenth time this year, I was invited to a bible study where I could learn about the mysteries and wonders of god. Nevermind the fact that it is the same two people who ask me every single frickin' time. I know they must see a lot of people, but being asked three times in the same week by the same person is a little absurd I think. I've probably been asked upwards of 30 times by the same people since I've been here at Northwestern. I guess that is what I get for walking home at times when everyone else is at class. I definately had the urge to pull out my chai and say "you know what this means?", but I didn't cause something told me that would not be the most appropriate thing to do under the circumstances.


Tuesday, February 05, 2002
Happy Birthday to Mr. Potato Head who turns 50 today. I was definately one of those people who never put anything in the right place on his head.


Monday, February 04, 2002
There's yet another one of me! And guess what, he's a doctor too. For those of you who don't know, every Andrew Lange out there appears to be a doctor of some kind. At least this one isn't a astro-physicist like three, yes thats right, three other Andrew Lange's. Where do they all come from? More on this later...


Saturday, February 02, 2002
In more important news for the day, Meg is somewhere over northern Africa I would presume right about now. Her flight for South Africa left JFK at 5 something in the afternoon yestarday, and touches down at around 3 local time in South Africa. Even though she won't get to read this for a while, I just hope she knows how much everyone back at NU misses her already and hopes she has an amazing several months.


There, now you all can see that I actually did get it exactly on the dot. I really am a bit of a nut, eh?


Ok, I realize that you can't all see the seconds that it was published, but I can and I can guarantee that it was done at exactly 02:02:02 according to the clock on blogger at least : ) Have a good groundhogs day everyone!


Woo-hoo! I actually got that one to work. That is really cool. Yes, I realize that I am talking to my self, but it is still neat.


Yes, this really was blogged at 02:02:02 on 02/02/02


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