Meg, Kim and I were watching 1000 men and a baby. If you ask why, I'll blame Kim. Anyway, in brief, its about these navy men who adopt a baby they find in Korea, and who are then told to give up the baby. After a fight, it is agreed upon that the baby will go to America for adoption. I the end the ships doctor and his wfie (who was there for part of the time) adopt the baby and everything seems fine. Flash forward to 1995 or so, and you get to see Daniel, the baby, all grown up. The only problem? He is white. We were all wondering how this Korean baby all the sudden grew up to be Caucasian. So I came up with the solution, "ETHNO CHANGO". This simple spell will allow you to change the ethnicity of anyone you wish. Isn't it handy?
6:33 AM