Wednesday, October 30, 2002
I know Im a couple days late on this, but I went to see They Might Be Giants vs. McSweeney's at the Athanaeum last Friday with Meg, as my brithday present. It was an amazing show that combined various styles of literature (a la Dave Eggers and others) with music (TMBG). The opener Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players aslo fit well into this theme, by combining music and a slide show, with the songs being written about the slides, which were themselves purchased at estate sales. They are appearing on Conan on election night, November 5th, so everyone should go watch them. They are simply a husband who plays the keyboards and wife who runs the slides while their 8 year old daughter is on the drums. Back to the main show, the format was pretty much alternating between words and music, with each act broken up by John Hodgeman, the host and moderator of the evening. The highlight performance for me was Dave Eggers' reading from his new novel, You Shall Know Our Velocity. Following the main portion of the show, TMBG came out alone and performed about a half a set. It was great to see the crowd standing and actually rocking with them (those who stayed, since a good deal of the artsy 'Im here to see the intellectual aspects only' people had left). Following the show I bought Eggers' book to read in full, and Meg and I discovered that we could make the walk back to the belmont el station in under 9 minutes through very fast walking. All in all it was a great night, and one of the mest birthday presents I've ever gotten.


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