Well, I just saw the first 34 minutes of "Once Again, With Feeling" the Buffy musical episode, and I'm quite impressed. Yes, I am actually beginning to watch it now on a fairly weekly basis with Brian next door, and yes I should have started watching when everyone back in Westfield was, but I guess it just wasn't my thing back then. Now it seems different, and the fact that I can view all the back episodes (graciously "borrowed" via a Gnutella clone) makes it seem more worthwhile (even if it does mean giving up a few hours of my life to watch several episodes). It is finals week, and what better way to goof off when I should be studying. Now of course I need to find all the songs too, which shouldn't be a problem I believe. If the episodes are out there, I'm sure someone has the songs individually too. Back to paper writing for me, cause there are still 2 and a half hours left for the last 17 minutes of the episode to download...
11:40 PM