Friday, March 08, 2002
A response to Lindsay's realization posted earlier today.
"...No matter how much I worry about something... it doesn't change what is actually going to happen." I just couldn't let this one go without putting in my own two cents, even if this is an odd way to start a philosophical discussion [on two mutually read blogs]. Now to be fair, I don't know the circumstances, but I am definitely of the opinion that we can exert a little control over a situation, even when we are not directly involved. Take for example a sporting event and think of a teams reaction if no one cheered. The collection of individual voices most certainly can have a devestating effect if absent, then why shouldn't it also have an effect when present. Granted, this is not a great proof, since if p then q does not always mean if not p then not q, but in this example I feel that it is relevant.
Maybe Im just being optomistic, but I would at least like to believe that I have a modicum of control over my own destiny. Since Im not a big believer of predetermination, or lack of free will, I have to conclude that I can change the way events of my life would have otherwise unfolded. Take for example this post. It is a fact that at this point it has been written, but whether or not it will be read by Lindsay is another question entirely. Now I have options- I could wait and let external forces (read: others) control this event, or I could be proactive ranging from asking her to read it, all the way up to say, hacking into her lowly mac and having this post be the default page for her internet browser. Not that I would do that at all, but the fact that it is a possibility eliminates in my mind the idea that I can't control, at least to some degree, over the future of others.
Now, if we are talking about butterflys and hurricanes, I may have to concede this point (since regardless of myths, weather patterns tend to show remakable stability over time), but I believe that when it is on the level of people events that there is always something that can be done.


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