Saw Robin Williams tonight, on the first stop in his North American tour. He was really wonderful, and I definitely can't repeat any of his jokes (because I just can't remember them well enough to type them out). More midterms the next few days- it just never seems to end. On a really happy note though, I got into photography which should be amazing next quarter. I'm really excited about that cause it has been a class I've wanted to take since I got here and there are only 12 spots per quarter. I luckily had the first registration time and at exactly 9 am I typed in the course number and hit add class. I got the "class successfully added" message and looked back at the class list and saw it was full already by 9:00:30, so I was one of three people who got in after registration opened (the other nine spots were preregistered by art majors). So yay!
1:10 AM